With the rigours of this fast-paced world, many people do not have time to pay attention to mental wellbeing. Perhaps they may not know that they suffer deep inside already because of anxiety. In these situations, co-morbid depression is common. Sometimes a slippery slope sets in life, resulting in a sufferer taking their own life. We all know about suicide.
What is anxiety, and how it affects our mental and physical health?
Anxiety evokes feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness that may make you feel sweaty, tense with palpitations and hyperventilation. You become restless, and it isn’t easy to attend to tasks and concentrate on activities. These tendencies can nlower your mood and affect physical functions; you lose weight and cannot sleep, which affects your normal role functioning and productivity. Your loved ones suffer with you.
For some people, comfort eating helps as an anxiety management strategy. Hence, they overeat. As a result, more than necessary calorie intake leads to excessive weight. It is hard not to gain weight in these circumstances, and people tend to develop complications such as diabetes and heart diseases.
Mindfulness reduces anxiety by stimulating the brain’s prefrontal cortex and the body’s parasympathetic nervous system.
Learn to manage stress by practising Mindfulness. Purchase one of the books
– Mindful Coco,
– 7 Magic Minutes for today and
– Today, I live happily and well journal to guide you.